Every hobby is different, but each one has its own sets of challenges and rewards. To those outside of a given hobby, it can be hard to understand what it is that makes us struggle through these challenges and not simply move on to something else. What is it that drives us to push through and invest our time, energy, and money into keeping fish? The answer will always be different for each person, but there are several common reasons that we see in the hobby.
The Problem with Popularity
Jul 21
Before I began in the pet industry, I went to school for music (my first pet store experience was a part time job while I was in college). Every now and then, I have an overwhelming desire to re-immerse myself in that part of my life and will stop listening to contemporary music and go back to the great classics. Not too long ago, I decided that I would go through and try to listen to the Beethoven Symphonies, many of which I have never sat down and listened all the way through.