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Partnering Organizations

Segrest Farms is proud to partner with the following organizations working to promote the conservation and sustainability of natural ecosystems.

Project Piaba

From its beginning as a research expedition by scientists from the University of Amazonas in Manaus, Brazil in 1989, Project Piaba has worked to understand the impacts of the ornamental fishery of the Rio Negro. Their surprise finding that the fishery was not only sustainable but also beneficial has fueled Project Piaba's mission to further leverage the fishery as a force for environmental conservation.

Project Piaba works to improve the entire supply chain from the fishing communities through the holding facilities and exporters to make it more efficient and maximize the fishery's benefits. They help identify commercially desirable species for the fishers to target and improve methods of holding and transporting in order to minimize losses through the supply chain, providing more income for the fishery and healthier fish for hobbyists.

Rising Tide Conservation

Aquaculture is an important part of building a sustainable hobby, especially when it comes to marine fish. Unfortunately, marine aquaculture in enormously complex, and it's still not known how to breed and raise many saltwater fish.

Rising Tide Conservation is a nonprofit organization working with research universities, public aquariums, pet industry professionals, and aquarium hobbyists with the goal of supporting marine aquaculture programs and expanding the knowledge base of how to aquaculture marine fish.

Perhaps the most important role that Rising Tide Conservation has taken on is supporting the researchers who are on the frontline of unlocking the secrets of aquaculturing marine fish and opening channels of communication with producers in order to develop successful aquaculture practices.



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